This one is surprisingly simple. And a perfect starting point for novice battlers. I mean, we're just talking about a typical, run o' the mill, garden variety, traffic cone, right?
Not a cone containing the souls of ten dead Apache warriors, reincarnated to punish mankind but mistakenly placed into a traffic cone instead of the cigar store Indian the cone was next to? Not a sentient cone with teeny-tiny hands holding an adorable, yet lethal, matching orange derringer? Not even a metal cone painted orange to look like a rubber cone?
Just a plain old, textbook, everyday traffic cone, right?
Then, just walk away.
I'm serious, it's over, no need to be a dick about it. You've made your point, and the fight's over.
Note: If after you kick it, the cone starts HISSING WILDLY, spinning across the ground like a defective bottle rocket as it fires off sparks and emits a ghostly orange smoke that then takes the form of a row of Apache warriors... there is a chance you misread your opponent. Time to get out of Dodge!
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